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Lime Tahiti - Persian

Sour Lima coming from any variety of the Citrus latifolia Swingle, seedless type, for fresh Consumption, They are little, semi rounded to ovate in shape. The limes are the larger size, absence of seeds, hardiness, absence of thorns on the bushes, and longer fruit shelf life. Their thinly segmented flesh is a pale lemon lime color, fragrant, juicy and tart with a sour bite. When fully mature Limes become yellow, similar to the color of lemons. The entire fruit is used for culinary applications. Limes Tahiti are commercialized primarily in six sizes, known as 110, 150, 175, 200, 230 and 250 for America, and for Europe know as: 42, 48, 54, 63.

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Valencia Orange

Valencia Orange coming from any variety of the species Yellow citrus siniensis of yellow pulp, for fresh consumption, and material previal for the agroindustry. The orange has a sweet-tart taste and is commonly peeled and eaten fresh, or squeezed for its juice. It has a thick bitter rind that is usually discarded, but can be used in cooking. Orange peel can be made into candied peel and used in sweet dishes. Orange are commercialized primarily in six sizes, known as TYPE A: 56-88, TYPE B: 89 - 120

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Tangelo - Mineloa

Tangelo Orange coming from any variety of the species Tangelo Mineola of orange pulp, for fresh consumption, and material previal for the agroindustry. The tangelo is a kind of citrus. It may be a hybrid between mandarin or tangerine and grapefruit pampelmusa. The fruits can be the size of an adult fist and looks kind a tangerine flavor, but juicier , to the point of not having too much pulp but produce excellent juice. Tangelos are generally free skin and are easier to peel than the naranjas. Orange are commercialized primarily in six sizes, known as CALIBER : 1XXX , 2X , 4X , 5X .

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Navel Orange

Navel Orange coming from any variety of the species Citrus × sinensis and Citrus × aurantium of yellow pulp, It is a fleshy hesperidium more or less thick and hardened shell, and the pulp is typically formed by eleven segments filled with juice or grape skinS, Besides its sweet and refreshing taste , the navel are also well known and considered very important for their health benefits , especially for its contribution of vitamin C, flavonoids, essential oils, an antioxidant and main nutritional ingredient.

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Clementine Mandarine coming from any variety of the species Citrus reticulata , Citrus unshiu , Citrus reshni and their hybrids, including Citrus × tangerine of orange pulp, for fresh consumption, and material previal for the agroindustry. They are intense orange and flattened specifies common is that lack seeds are considered a cross enre tangerine and an orange Silvestre Algeria. Peel easily and have a good taste, from small to medium size , with an average weight of 50 -70 grams.
It is the closest thing to citrus orange, but smaller, more aromatic and easier to remove the skin in most varieties taste and a slightly lower acidity and a higher proportion of simple sugar.

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